1st EMERGE/ATHENA Online School – Sustainable flexible large-area printed electronics and photonics
This IP lasted four days (20th - 24th of March, 2023), coordinated by the Emerging Printed Electronics Research Infrastructure (EMERGE).
The online school will be open and free of charge to MSc students, Ph.D. students, and researchers. The first day will be devoted to showing what EMERGE is and how it can be a valuable initiative for academics and industry working in flexible large-area printed electronics and photonics. The remaining four days will be devoted to presentations from top scientific researchers, internal and external to the EMERGE consortium, on topics related to each one of the transnational activities:
Design, modeling, and simulation
Material synthesis and characterization
Prototype fabrication
Demonstrator characterization and validation
At the end of the school, students/researchers will have a short online quiz through Moodle about the lectures. The 25 students/researchers with the highest scores will be selected for the in-person school in Crete in Summer 2023.
All the materials can be found on this site.